174392320 Bytes
in-app Basket of Gems
device Iphone
languages English
3,9 / 5 star
Creator Storm8 Studios
Alrighty, guys, I know these side stories get a lot less attention than the "main" but they are all pretty asons. Love you all. Sorry, but I need to develop these sides a little more and so the "main" will be on the back burner for a moment. Dumpf, I know you"re BugSecks, but I wrote you in here before that whole thing kicked off. I hope you"re not mad. PREFACE: Tonight"s episode will star a one: V0id115, Subzero008, King_Dumpf, Bartimaeous Honorable Mentions: Gho. [Spoilers] The good. The bad. The game that could have been. Cheats. There are no cheats available for Bakery Story. The "cheat" where you set the game"s clock forward to finish food preparation, if it ever worked at all, certainly does not any longer.
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